Sunday, November 12, 2006

Tips and Tricks: Portrait drawing #7 (contd...)

31 - Generally shadows are cool so exaggerate the blueness in them to make them look really cool, but on occasion shadows are warm (Reds) don't exaggerate warm shadows otherwise they wont look like shadows.

32 - Have you ever seen an head and shoulders portrait where the head looks too big for the shoulders, this is because you haven't drawn the shoulders wide enough, this is a common mistake, make sure the proportions are correct.

33 - If you are drawing or painting a threesome make sure that the two outside people are turning inwards slightly toward the central character if possible.

34 - You can use the side of the pencil or pastel to lay broad areas of tone.

35 - When you draw in the light basic drawing first and then your finished drawing over the top of this, try not to make the finished drawing or painting too mechanical (keeping inside the basic lines you drew firstly). Always think to put life into a drawing by not being afraid to go outside your boundaries or your first lines.


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