Tips and Tricks: Portrait drawing #4(contd...)
16 - Don't draw or paint every little detail in a portrait, for instance all wrinkles and warts, suggest them rather than put everything in.
17 - Make sure you know where the light is coming from even when you are drawing or painting from a photograph and keep your shadows consistent to the light source.18 - Copy a few drawings or paintings from the old masters in any medium, you might learn a few things, I did!...
19 - When drawing or painting teeth suggest them rather than put them all in individually and don't forget that the teeth go around the oval shape of the head so there is shadow at each corner of the mouth.
20 - Don't put spectacles in as though they were two round or oval shapes, with observation you should notice that parts of the spectacles are lost or are blended into the skin color and other parts show more...(Lost and found edges).
to be contd...
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