Tips and Tricks: Portrait drawing #6 (contd...)
26 - When you are painting and you cant make out the overhaul color of the face cut out a 6"x4" card grey in color and make a round hole in it about the size of a one pence piece or a dime and place it against your photograph or live model. Because of the grey neutral color of the card and the small hole you will be able to see the color of the face through the hole without other details distracting you.
27 - When drawing or painting an head and shoulders portrait make features slightly darker than the rest of the portrait, after all these are the most important parts of the portrait.
28 - To make eyes liquid looking put the main highlights in and then a secondary highlight in but fainter.
29 - To put life and vitality into a drawing or painting one quick stroke can add and make all the difference.30 - Always make dark people cooler and a shade lighter than what they look otherwise they can look too brown and be contd...
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